Xanni Brown named ISPS Graduate Policy Fellow
Congratulations to PhD student, Xanni Brown, who was named a 2021 Graduate Policy Fellow at Yale Institution for Social and Policy Studies…
Andrew Sorota named a 2020-21 Dahl Scholar
Undergraduate researcher, Andrew Sorota, was named a 2020-21 Dahl Scholar at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies. He primarily works with…
Professor Richeson wins the 2020 SAGE-CASBS Award!
SAGE Publishing and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University are pleased to announce Jennifer…
Professor Richeson writes about the perception of racial progress in the Atlantic Monthly
Professor Richeson wrote a think piece published in the September 2020 issue of the Atlantic Monthly. In The mythology of racial progress, she…
Congrats to Dr. Hudson
Visiting graduate researcher, Sa-Kiera Hudson, is now Dr. Hudson. Kiera successfully defended her dissertation back in March and her PhD was…
An amazing April for Professsor Richeson
April turned out to be a remarkable month for Professor Richeson. She was named a 2020 Andrew Carnegie Foundation Senior Fellow to pursue a book…
Dr. Onyeador to become Professor Onyeador!
Many congratulations to Ivy Onyeador who has an accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern…
Professor Richeson wins the Career Trajectory Award from the Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP)
The Career Trajectory Award celebrates scientific contributions made in the early-to-mid stages of a research career. The award is intended to…
Professor Richeson receives an Honorary Doctorate from Brown University!
Professor Richeson was one of 7 recipients of an Honorary Doctorate from Brown University at the University Commencement Ceremony on May 26…
Professor Richeson wins Yale Graduate Mentoring Award!
Professor Richeson has been named the winner of the 2019 Graduate Mentoring Award in the Social Sciences by the Yale Graduate School of Arts and…