Professor Richeson receives an Honorary Doctorate from Brown University!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Professor Richeson was one of 7 recipients of an Honorary Doctorate from Brown University at the University Commencement Ceremony on May 26.  The citation reads,

As a social scientist, creative researcher, teacher and thought leader, your work expands the boundaries of knowledge on interracial interaction and the living contexts of diversity. Your inquiries into how groups of people perceive prejudice and inequality reveal important truths about brain, behavior, and the social psychology of building stronger social bonds. Your compelling research on the power of redemption narratives– to deepen appreciation for the consequences of historical wrongdoing– offer us pathways for confronting injustice. In a world clamoring for racial healing and cross-cultural understanding, your keen insights into a more mindful pursuit of diverse, cohesive, and just communities is timely and right. For the hope your scholarship inspires, for introducing smart conversations about race and for framing the challenges of diversity in our democracy, we honor you with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letter, honoris causa.