SAGE Publishing and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University are pleased to announce Jennifer Richeson as winner of the 2020 SAGE-CASBS Award.
Established in 2013, the SAGE-CASBS Award recognizes outstanding achievement in the behavioral and social sciences that advance our understanding of pressing social issues. It underscores the role of the social and behavioral sciences in enriching and enhancing public policy and good governance. Past winners of the award include Daniel Kahneman, psychologist and Nobel laureate; Pedro Noguera, sociologist and education rights activist; Kenneth Prewitt, political scientist and former U.S. Census Bureau director; William Julius Wilson, sociologist and celebrated scholar of poverty, inequality, and race; and Carol Dweck, the social psychologist renowned for the study of motivations and self-conceptions that form the basis of “mindset” science.
“Jennifer Richeson has pushed the frontiers of knowledge and understanding around some of the most persistent problems our society faces – inequality, racism, bigotry, and prejudice in all its forms,” said Sara Miller McCune, founder and executive chair of SAGE Publishing. “Her persistent commitment to forging a path to social justice and social cohesion through social science scholarship is an inspiration that gives me tremendous hope. I’m so gratified that we are honoring Jennifer with the SAGE-CASBS award and through it, endorsing her critical work.”
SAGE Publishing is proud funder of the award. In addition to a cash prize, Richeson will deliver an award lecture at CASBS on a date to be named. The event will be free and open to the public. CASBS will release event details when they are available.
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